A new home

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Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:45 pm
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A new home

Post by Digitalis »

Her wings were tired, she had been flying for over 9 hours across the sea. Her shirt was tattered and scuffed, torn in several places along side her skirt. She was told to fly with the sun to her right in the morning and to her left in the evening. She was bruised and her eyes looked red, barely able to see she continued to use the sunlight to guide her to where she had to go. She was so tired she didn't even see the beach, the boat or even the statue she collided with, she was going too fast and the impact knocked her out, she fell below the statue. She awoke 4 hours later, her head having a splitting headache. She folded her wings towards her back as she went and grabbed her her pendant around her neck, but it was gone. Blinking a few times trying to get them to focus, it took a few minutes but she was able to see where she was, she didn't know it but she had landed on the beach of Devardec. She was still a bit out of it, and felt dried blood on a wound on the top of her head, her black hair caked in dry blood. She looked around, seeing the statue and her blood around where she lay, noticing the statue of Sheba, her hand had her pendant had got looped around her hand. She stood, holding the top of the Dragon Turtle to keep her balance, she raised her right hand and took hold of her pendant again, placing it around her neck once again.

She climbed back down and sighed, kneeling before the statue she leaned up against it to sit down. She held her pendant, the crystal began to glow as her wounds slowly started to heal. The blood that caked in her hair, was crusted on the statue slowly started to vanish as her wound became fully healed. After taking a few minutes to survey her surroundings, she noticed a particular book that someone just discarded upon the ground, a magical spell book. She looked around in every direction and not seeing anyone she grabbed the book and flipped through it. It was full of common spells and knowledge her community had known about for a while. She got up and stretched out her wings, a few of her feathers fell off and were blown towards the sea landing softly on the watery surface. Retracting them back towards her back she had enough flying for a little while, and moved on to discover more of this city she just found.

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