Missive to Adventurers

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Missive to Adventurers

Post by anerausa »

In each of the cities of the realms a small runebeast bounds towards the noticeboards carrying assorted parchments listing sales, healers, and other bounties. The creatures leave a trail in the air in their wake that seems to sparkle and shine. Each one leaps up and with a lifted paw, places a rune. As the rune is touched, a missive appears from Anera.

I have found a lighthouse that I wish to explore further, however, my progression through the tower requires the aid of several adventurer's each born with different gifts and talents. It seems to explore the lighthouse successfully I must have one who follows each path. Sorcerer, Wizard, Shaman, Fighter, Berserker, Thief, Ranger, Battlemage, Monk.

Once I have assembled a team, we will work to arrange a time to set off on our expedition.

If you wish to aid me, please respond with your name and the role you will be able to fill for me. I will be filling the role of Sorceror. I will be looking for replies both here and keeping up with any MESSAGES sent to my desk.
Runescribe Anera
Erilaz of Dragons
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Re: Missive to Adventurers

Post by anerausa »

I have the shaman and ranger positions potentially covered I am still looking for more volunteers.
Runescribe Anera
Erilaz of Dragons
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Re: Missive to Adventurers

Post by fearecia »

You can of course count me in as the Monk, Anera.
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Re: Missive to Adventurers

Post by Lamaenor »

Lamaenor walks through the northern gate of Devardec, eyes cast down at his feet. In his left arm, he cradles an open leather satchel, full of dirty, wet, foul-smelling papers. In contrast to this, the Elf is in pristine condition, practically glowing.

"You've visited Naria lately, I see. I take it the diplomatic mission to the orcs of the Black Fang did not go so well?" a tall elf says with a grin. He bears the royal crest of Devardec on his shoulder and wears the clothes of a courier.

The interruption startles Lamaenor. "Hm? Oh, Jaxon." he says. "No, no. Not well at all. It was a stretch, I admit, to think they'd be open to diplomacy. But one can hope! I was only sent to the Plane of Rebirth thrice this time. I'd say that is indicative of at least some progress!" Lamaenor says, smiling rather weakly. "Here, take these to my office, if you would. I shall be up shortly."

Jaxon shrugs, accepting the leather satchel and its rancid contents without hesitation. "As you say, Ambassador. But you might want to check out the Plaza on your way there. There's something that might interest you."

With that, the courier walks at a brisk pace toward the City Relations Office. Lamaenor frowns quizzically and walks down Justice Way to the Plaza.

Soon, he sees what the other elf was talking about. In stark contrast to the mess of papers on the noticeboards is a familiar glowing rune.

Even more curious than before, Lamaenor touches the rune. A missive *pops* into existence. Lamaenor's puzzled frown slowly turns into an excited smile as he reads. Finally he nods and removes his wand from its pack. The very one his Guildmaster helped him obtain. He makes a few adjustments to the rune and walks off to the west.

Whoever touches the rune will see a golden glowing border of script around the missive which reads:

Now officially accompanied (in the role of Wizard) by Runedancer Lamaenor, Merchant of Mixtures, Ambassador to Devardec!

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